nancy jo

While hanging out in Buffalo, New York, Nancy Jo had an epiphany a few  years ago and realized, "hey - think it's time I got outta here." A change of scenery was desired, and like a dandelion seed on a breeze, she was transplanted to midcoast Maine to pursue a presence in the filmmaking world. Since arriving, she grew, well, like a weed. Once a counselor, and most recently the Program Coordinator at Maine Media Workshops & College, she has a festival of fun when she is engaged with creative people living creative adventures. 

So one could surmise that she feels being a part of goodfocus is like being on a float at Mardi Gras. Bead throwing and all. Although she's never actually been on a float. But she thinks she would do a good job of waving from one. 

Music is her manna, nature a trusted companion. She loves the word glow.  And luminescent. If melancholy were a town, she'd move there. She likes her family and friends a whole lot too.